30 Apr Company Logo
Hello Friends, How are you? Today I am going to solve the HackerRank Python Company Logo Problem with a very easy explanation. In this article, you will get more than one approach to solve this problem. So let’s start- {tocify} $title={Table of Contents} A newly opened multinational brand has decided to base its company logo on the three most common characters in the company name. They are now trying out various combinations of company names and logos based on this condition. Given a string s, which is the company name in lowercase letters, your task is to find the top three most common characters in the string.
- Print the three most common characters along with their occurrence count.
- Sort in descending order of occurrence count.
- If the occurrence count is the same, sort the characters in alphabetical order.
For example, according to the conditions described above, GOOGLE would have its logo with the letters G, O, and E. A single line of input containing the string S. S has at least 3 distinct characters Print the three most common characters along with their occurrence count each on a separate line. Sort output in descending order of occurrence count. If the occurrence count is the same, sort the characters in alphabetical order.
aabbbccde {codeBox}
b 3 a 2 c 2 {codeBox}
Here, b occurs 3 times. It is printed first. Both a and c occur 2 times. So, a is printed in the second line and c in the third line because a comes before c in the alphabet. Note: The string S has at least 3 distinct characters. Company Logo HackerRank Python Solution Approach I: Company Logo HackerRank Python Solution
# Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution
# python 3
# Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution START
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import collections if __name__ == '__main__': s = sorted(input().strip()) s_counter = collections.Counter(s).most_common() s_counter = sorted(s_counter, key=lambda x: (x[1] * -1, x[0])) for i in range(0, 3): print(s_counter[i][0], s_counter[i][1])
# Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution END
# MyEduWaves
Approach II: Company Logo HackerRank Python Solution
# Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution
# python 3
# Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution START import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys import collections s = sorted(input().strip())
s_counter = collections.Counter(s).most_common() s_counter = sorted(s_counter, key=lambda x: (x[1] * -1, x[0]))
for i in range(0, 3): print(s_counter[i][0], s_counter[i][1]) # Company Logo in python - Hacker Rank Solution END
# MyEduWaves
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