Check Strict Superset in Python s

Check Strict Superset in Python s

Hello Friends, How are you? Today I am going to solve the HackerRank Check Strict Superset Problem with a very easy explanation. In this article, you will get one more approach to solving this problem. So let’s start- {tocify} $title={Table of Contents}  You are given a set A and n other sets. Your job is to find whether set A is a strict superset of each of the N sets. Print True, if A is a strict superset of each of the N sets. Otherwise, print False. A strict superset has at least one element that does not exist in its subset. Set ([1 , 3, 4]) is a strict superset of set ([1 , 3]). Set ([1 , 3, 4]) is not a strict superset of set ([1 , 3, 4]). Set ([1 , 3, 4]) is not a strict superset of set ([1 , 3, 5]). The first line contains the space-separated elements of set A. The second line contains integer n, the number of other sets. The next n lines contain the space-separated elements of the other sets.

  • 0 < len(set(A)) < 501
  • 0 < N < 21
  • 0 < len(otherSets) < 101

Print True if set A is a strict superset of all other N sets. Otherwise, print False.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 23 45 84 78 2 1 2 3 4 5 100 11 12 {codeBox}

False {codeBox}

Set A is the strict superset of the set ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) but not of the set ([100, 11, 12]) because 100 is not in set A. Hence, the output is False. 1st Approach: Check Strict Superset HackerRank Python Solution

# ========================
# Information
# ======================== # Name: Check Strict Superset in Python HackerRank
# Direct Link:
# Difficulty: Easy
# Max Score: 10
# Language: Pypy 3 # ========================
# Solution Start
# ======================== # Check Strict Superset in Python - Hacker Rank Solution A = set(input().split())
for i in range(int(input())): if A.issuperset(set(input().split())): COUNT += 1 else: VALUE += 1
if VALUE != 0: print('False')
else: print('True') # Check Strict Superset in Python - Hacker Rank Solution END
# MyEduWaves
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